Announcing the launch of Sunday Stories, a new weekly email series that sends three completely random stories from our website right into the inboxes of our subscribers.

I'm painfully aware, as I'm sure you are, that it's becoming increasingly difficult to focus one's mind on a specific task when we orient ourselves and our content on the web. Infinite scrolling feeds spew hyper-personalised and hyper-targeted content, leading to that small but ever so addictive dopamine hit. The sugar for the mind. This comes at a personal and interpersonal cost however, because the more we consume, the less we're fulfilled.

To continue orienting this project towards healthy habits, I've opted to create a weekly newsletter I like to call Sunday Stories. Every Sunday, members and subscribers will receive a number of stories in their inbox showcasing three complete random stories from our collections.

Some may ask, "Why send random stories? I'm not interested in random stories." Much like the tenets of having a balanced diet, improving one's vocabulary and critical thinking, much is to be gained by being exposed to varied perspectives and non-linear approaches to life. I want serendipity to happen in this space. For the stories of the Sub-Saharan African continent to travel and regain life, they must be exposed to the minds of the casual reader. Random encounters shall be the order of the day.

10 mins of your time, once a week. Disconnect then reconnect. Signup now.

Onye Anuna
25th September 2024

Sub-Saharan Stories